Have a question? Call Us at: 877.472.4370 or Text us using the Text Bar at the bottom of this page.
About Us
PagersDirect is a USA based online specialty retailer of pagers, paging services, pager accessories and related wireless communication products and services exclusively within the United States. Managed by personnel with over 37 years in the retail and service industries and over 29 years in online paging retail. All ordering and customer service is conducted via our website as well as our toll free customer care call center.
PagersDirect through its affiliated companies are authorized resellers for the nations largest paging carriers including American Messaging and Spok (formerly known as USA Mobility). We are among the largest paging resellers in the United States with thousands of active pagers throughout the US. In 2013, PagersDirect was appointed by Zipit® Wireless, Inc as one of the first authorized online retailers of the Zipit® Confirm™ 2-way wireless messaging app. We are also authorized dealers for Apollo and Unication brands of 1-way pagers and accessories. Apollo and Unication are two of the leading manufacturers offering brand new pagers.
Customer Care Center:
Toll Free: 1-877-472-4370 24 hours a day. Frank, our virtual receptionist will greet you.
Issues with online payment...
When calling during regular business hours: If you reach voicemail, please leave your name and return phone number for a prompt return call. Please do not hang up and call back continuously as this will put you further back in the return call process.
In the event of a phone system outage or after hours emergency or Frank, our 24 hour a day virtual receptionist isn't feeling well...
please contact us using the contact / support link in the menu above.
If you do not have internet access at the time of the emergency,
you may call our backup message line at: 1-800-977-1573 and leave a message.
Regular Business Hours:
10am to 7pm (EST) Monday through Friday*
Phone support is available during regular business hours.
Emergency Technical & Sales Support is available after hours and on weekends via email by using the contact support link located at the top of our website.
Closed on the following legal holidays:
New Years Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. If a legal holiday listed lands on a weekend, we may be closed the Friday preceding the Holiday and the Monday following that weekend.
*Reduced hours will be announced when calling our toll free number and in the top banner of our website on the days affected. Normally, reduced hour days land between mid week holidays and weekends. Please note that no orders will ship on Christmas Eve or New Years Eve.
Extended Holidays and Closed Holidays (Customer care will be available via email or text support only). Phone Support will not be available and no orders will ship:
No extended holidays are currently scheduled
Open on all other holidays
Limited Technical support is available on closed and reduced hour holidays.
PagersDirect Address:
Po box 1770
Vineland, NJ 08362
Office Address:
PagersDirect Inc
Executive Suites
3071 East Chestnut Avenue Suite F16
Vineland, NJ 08361, USA
Office Phone: 856-696-3185 (administrative purposes only)
Bill Payments:
Po box 1089
Vineland, NJ 08362
Package Delivery including UPS/Fedex:
237 S Delsea Drive #325
Vineland, NJ 08360
Inside PagersDirect:

We stock thousands of the most popular best selling pagers...