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Schools are banning cellphones in many cities nationwide. Equip your child with an alphanumeric pager so you can notify them of any urgent issues or emergencies during the school day.

It's making the news nationwide.  More and more school districts across the United States are banning cellphones* as they have proven to be a major distraction during class with texting, social media and the plethora of games and apps.

Links to news articles regarding schools banning cell phones

Many people have written off pagers decades ago because of everything a phone can do that a pager can't do.  However, there is one thing a pager can do that a phone can't do and that is...NOT be a distraction which is the main reason why schools are banning phones.  1-way pagers just do one thing...deliver a message. There is no texting, there is no social media, there are no games, there is no Google or YouTube, there is no emailing back and there are no phone calls. Set it on vibrate or silent alert instead of an audible alert and a quick glance is all it takes.

There could be some legitimate reasons why you just need to let your child know about something going on:

When you are running late to pickup your child from school.

Perhaps someone called out at your work and you were asked to work overtime and you made arrangements for someone else to pick up your child.

Perhaps an emergency and you need to pick you child up early.

or maybe just a positive emotional reinforcement to tell them that you love them or "Good luck on your test ..you've got this!"

Can you think of any other reason why you may need to let your student know something is urgent before they get home?  Think about it.  Some people may say...no big deal, once the student turns their phone back on...the text will eventually come through.. That's true, but if there is a major delay in the text delivery once the phone is turned back on, the timing may be not be optimal.

An alphanumeric pager can be the tool you need.  A simple email to the pager with your message gets the job done.

Plus in the event of loss or damage...a pager is relatively inexpensive to replace compared to a phone.

PagersDirect provides service in most major cities.  Please check our coverage maps before ordering.  The blue shaded areas in each state have coverage.

*Disclaimer:  Some school districts have banned all personal communication devices with certain exceptions on a case by case basis. Please check with your school before ordering to see if pagers are allowed.